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Export of Products

Export of KEMET products to the countries of the Customs Union with a 0% VAT, as well as to other countries worldwide.

All KEMET products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant KEMET: capacitors, current chokes, filters and noise suppressors, pulse transformers ferrite materials, varistors, inductors, thermal sensors, current sensors, proximity sensors, vibrations, flame and gas detection sensors, motion sensors, food sensors, piezoelectric devices, relays
  • Capacitors KEMET
    C4AU, FGR, FM, etc.
  • Current chokes KEMET
    Current chokes
    BEAD L, SH, SNT, ST, etc.
  • Interference Filters KEMET
    Interference Filters
    AFCL, FNC, FLLDU, etc.
  • Pulse transformers KEMET
    Pulse transformers
    PLT-01, PLT-02, etc.
  • Electromagnetic interference cores KEMET
    Electromagnetic interference cores
    ESD-RB, ESD-SR, ESD-FPD, etc.
  • Noise Reduction sheets and tapes KEMET
    Noise Reduction sheets and tapes
    NSS, NST, MSR, EST, etc.
  • Ferrite Tiles KEMET
    Ferrite Tiles
    FPL100, FPL150, FPL240, etc.
  • Inductors KEMET
    L-DMI, MPCV, MPEV, MPX, SBC, etc.
  • Varistors KEMET
    Series VA, VC, VE, VP, VK, VM, etc.
  • Thermal sensors KEMET
    Thermal sensors
    Series TRS, TRS-P, etc.
  • Current sensors KEMET
    Current sensors
    CT, C/CT series, etc.
  • Proximity sensors KEMET
    Proximity sensors
    Series PL, SS, etc.
  • Vibration sensors KEMET
    Vibration sensors
    VS–JV10A, VS–BV203–B, etc.
  • Flame detection sensors KEMET
    Flame detection sensors
    Series QFC, QFS, etc.
  • Gas detection sensors KEMET
    Gas detection sensors
    Series QGS, QGC, etc.
  • Motion sensors KEMET
    Motion sensors
    QMS series, etc.
  • Sensors for food products KEMET
    Sensors for food products
    Series QDC, QDA, etc.
  • Piezoelectric devices KEMET
    Piezoelectric devices
    Series AE, ASB, ASL, etc.
  • Relay KEMET
    Series EB2, EC2, EE2, UA2, UD2, etc.


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