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Multilayer piezoelectric actuators are ceramic elements used to convert electrical energy into mechanical energy through the use of piezoelectric longitudinal effect. Multilayer piezoelectric drives KEMET are made on the basis of a unique design of elements and piezoelectric ceramic materials. Compared to conventional piezoelectric drives, they are smaller in size with the same performance.

Series: AE, ASB, ASL, AHB.

The piezoelectric acoustic module uses multilayer piezoelectric actuators, which are produced on the basis of a unique design of elements and piezoelectric ceramic materials with high electrostriction coefficients. The piezoelectric acoustic module generates both sound and vibration from the housing simultaneously.

Series: R11.

Piezoelectric tactile modules (FilmFlex actuators) are the latest technology of flexible tactile actuators of a new generation. These universal drives can be used in a wide range of applications, including AR/VR, game controllers, as well as in promising products of the future that use human-computer interaction.

Series: FFAA.

Bolted transducers are used wherever it is necessary to generate powerful ultrasonic waves. To ensure flexibility of application and ease of installation, these sensors can be bolted almost anywhere.

Series: NBL.

The action of the disk-shaped converters is based on the principle of the piezoelectric effect, which generates a charge in response to pressure, and the reverse piezoelectric effect, which generates pressure in response to voltage.

Series: ND.


All KEMET products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant KEMET: capacitors, current chokes, filters and noise suppressors, pulse transformers ferrite materials, varistors, inductors, thermal sensors, current sensors, proximity sensors, vibrations, flame and gas detection sensors, motion sensors, food sensors, piezoelectric devices, relays
  • Capacitors KEMET
    C4AU, FGR, FM, etc.
  • Current chokes KEMET
    Current chokes
    BEAD L, SH, SNT, ST, etc.
  • Interference Filters KEMET
    Interference Filters
    AFCL, FNC, FLLDU, etc.
  • Pulse transformers KEMET
    Pulse transformers
    PLT-01, PLT-02, etc.
  • Electromagnetic interference cores KEMET
    Electromagnetic interference cores
    ESD-RB, ESD-SR, ESD-FPD, etc.
  • Noise Reduction sheets and tapes KEMET
    Noise Reduction sheets and tapes
    NSS, NST, MSR, EST, etc.
  • Ferrite Tiles KEMET
    Ferrite Tiles
    FPL100, FPL150, FPL240, etc.
  • Inductors KEMET
    L-DMI, MPCV, MPEV, MPX, SBC, etc.
  • Varistors KEMET
    Series VA, VC, VE, VP, VK, VM, etc.
  • Thermal sensors KEMET
    Thermal sensors
    Series TRS, TRS-P, etc.
  • Current sensors KEMET
    Current sensors
    CT, C/CT series, etc.
  • Proximity sensors KEMET
    Proximity sensors
    Series PL, SS, etc.
  • Vibration sensors KEMET
    Vibration sensors
    VS–JV10A, VS–BV203–B, etc.
  • Flame detection sensors KEMET
    Flame detection sensors
    Series QFC, QFS, etc.
  • Gas detection sensors KEMET
    Gas detection sensors
    Series QGS, QGC, etc.
  • Motion sensors KEMET
    Motion sensors
    QMS series, etc.
  • Sensors for food products KEMET
    Sensors for food products
    Series QDC, QDA, etc.
  • Piezoelectric devices KEMET
    Piezoelectric devices
    Series AE, ASB, ASL, etc.
  • Relay KEMET
    Series EB2, EC2, EE2, UA2, UD2, etc.


The Kemet company (USA) was founded in 1919. Today it is one of the world's largest manufacturers of tantalum and ceramic multilayer capacitors, which are used in any electronic devices.

    KEMET leadership in the global market is ensured by high quality components, a wide range of products, short production times and competitive prices.
  • assortment

    The company KEMET is a reliable supplier of products for the transport, medical, defense, aerospace, industrial, communications and consumer industries.

    With more than 1,600 patents and trademarks worldwide, the company has taken a leading position thanks to advanced research and design capabilities.

Information Board KEMET

Learn more about our products KEMET.
  • Price list for products of the plant KEMET
    Price list for products
  • Product order form supplier KEMET
    Product order form


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